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SOTG 612 - School Resource Officers Purchase Rifles, Parents Upset

SOTG 612 – School Resource Officers Purchase Rifles, Parents Upset
(Paul Markel)

Some School Resource Officers in Kansas have been armed with modern AR-15 rifles. This decision has upset some parents who have voiced strong concerns. Professor Paul will consider the use of a rifle for fighting, particularly up close in schools.

During our Fighting Fitness segment from SWAT Fuel, Jarrad and Paul will consider your goals and goal setting. We want you to have a stronger body and sharper mind this year.

Also, we have a Brownell’s Bullet Points segment for you. Paul will consider and discuss ammunition to use in your fighting rifle and some valuable accessories to add to your gun.

Brought to you by Silencer Shop!

Topics Covered During This Episode:

  • Fighting Fitness brought to you by SWAT Fuel: Your Fitness Goals – Email [email protected] for accountability and advice.
  • Some parents upset by purchase of rifles for NE KS school officers: www.wibw.com
  • Brownell’s Bullet Points: Choosing a load for your 5.56 rifle

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From www.wibw.com:

Some parents of Shawnee Mission School District students in eastern Kansas aren’t happy to learn the public school district has bought eight semi-automatic rifles for its school resource officers.

The Kansas City Star reports that, according to district records, in September 2015 the district ordered eight Smith & Wesson semi-automatic rifles for the seven district resource officers and one supervisor, whom Douglass oversees, on the district police force.

Some parents, like Lisa Veglahn, were unnerved by the discovery. Veglahn says she questions the effectiveness of such high-powered weaponry in the face of an active shooter in the school.

Other parents, like Melissa Patt, say the nearly $6,000 purchase was excessive at a time when school budgets are tight.

But John Douglass, the district’s director of safety and security, and some other parents say a rising threat of active shooter situations in schools makes the high-powered guns necessary.

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Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a U.S. Marine, Police Officer, Professional Bodyguard, and Small Arms and Tactics Instructor. Mr. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly twenty years with hundreds and hundreds of articles in print. Paul is a regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows and subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Mr. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students young and old for decades and has worked actively with the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Paul holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines and a Bachelor’s degree in conflict resolution; nonetheless, he is and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun.

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