Fighting Solves Everything: Destroying Cancer with Faith, Nutrition, and Science

Fighting Solves

Throughout almost his entire life, Professor Paul has been a fighter.  From the Marine Corps, to Law Enforcement, to Private Contracting.  However, on February 22nd, 2019, the bell for hardest fight of the Professor's life was rung.

He received one of the most dreaded phone calls you could ever receive in your life.  A call from the doctor, "You Have Cancer".  Despite the shock, despite the gravity of the situation, that afternoon The Pimphand went into the gym and did his Starting Strength Workout.

He knew that now wasn't the time to relax, now was the time to fight harder than ever.  May 7th, 2019 was Paul's first treatment, and the battle against cancer officially began.

Through the Worst

As can be expected from El Cancer, there were many, many low points throughout the whole process.  From initial diagnosis, to conflicting advice, to treatment, infections, and eventual hospitalization.

But through it all, Professor Paul kept his head as high as he could.  He knew that he couldn't just curl up and die, he had a responsibility.  To his family, his friends, and his fans.

Not just to survive, but to make it out stronger than ever!

Refusing to be a Victim

The Pimphand never wanted to be seen as, or feel like, a victim.  Despite his circumstances.  From the day he got that phone call from his doctor, all the way until he was forced into the hospital, the Professor didn't miss a workout.

In the gym pumping iron, keeping to his ketogenic diet, and not allowing the cancer in his body to control him.

From the day it began, Prof, Paul knew that he was going to be as in control as he possibly could be.  With his will of steel, and the help of his family and friends, he has made it to the other side of the river.

In this book, he chronicles the entire experience, and how Fighting Solves Everything.