Georgia residents, are you ready for your employees to ban your guns? If the liberal fascists get their way that is exactly what will happen. It is time to not be nice. 

Are red dots on pistols toys or tactical? During our Brownells Bullet Points Professor Paul will consider the use of red dot optics on fighting pistols. Could you benefit from having a red dot on your self-defense, CCW pistol? 

During our SOTG Homeroom from Crossbreed Holsters, we will once more consider being dangerous on demand. What does John Farnam think about our men and women in uniform being purposely disarmed so as not to be dangerous on demand? Listen louder and we will tell you. 

Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us:

Enjoy the show! And remember…
You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life!

Topics Covered During This Episode:



FEATURING:, Sportsmen’s Alliance, Brownells, Crossbreed Holsters, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul G. Markel, SOTG University

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Froglube, Crossbreed Holsters, Century Arms, SWAT Fuel, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes

FIND US ON: United Gun Group, iHeart Radio, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, YouTube, Full 30, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tumblr



“What do sure odds that Democrats will absolutely reject any duly-elected Republican president really mean?

It means they won’t accept results of any election they don’t win.

When you hate each other, but still accept election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to civil war!”

Jack Minzey

(Click Here for Full Article)



State Senator Donzella James, (D-Atlanta), has pre-filed legislation that would ban the possession of semi-automatic firearms. The prohibitions in Senate Bill 281 would even ban common semi-automatic shotguns used for bird hunting and trap shooting. Any person convicted under this new law “shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of 5 years.” SB 281 has yet to be assigned to a committee.

(Click Here for Full Article)

Check out this episode!

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Zachary Markel, affectionately known as the Shipping Ogre, is an intricate member of the Student of the Gun team. Zachary co-hosts the radio show, publishes the material for public consumption and produces Morning Mindset with Paul G. Markel. As the Shipping Ogre, Zach oversees the SOTG Gear store. He ensures that every package he touches is handled with care.