The finale of the USMC Leadership Traits compilation series, the Professor talks about the last (but not least) 5 traits of JJDIDTIEBUCKLE Unselfishness, Courage, Knowledge, Loyalty, and Endurance.

You may assume that Endurance just means physically. Being able to march, hump and fight for long periods of time. While that is part of it, mental endurance is equally as important and necessary to be a leader. If you burn out before your subordinates, that is not a good example to set. 

If you found value in this series, we have the perfect thing for you. The JJDIDTIEBUCKLE poster, that has the full list of traits and their associated definitions printed right on, for a daily reminder of what it takes to be a true Leader.

Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us:

Enjoy the show! And remember…

You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life!

Topics Covered During This Episode:

  • Huge thanks to our Partners:
    Silencer Shop | Brownells | Century Arms | Crossbreed | Duracoat | Froglube | SWAT Fuel
  • The USMC Leadership Traits: JJDIDTIEBUCKLE
    • Unselfishness: You avoid making yourself comfortable at the expense of others. Be considerate of others.
    • Courage: What allows you to remain calm while recognizing fear. Moral courage means having the inner strength to stand up for what it right and to accept blame.
    • Knowledge: The understanding of a science or art. Knowledge means you have acquired information and you understand people.
    • Loyalty: You are devoted to your country, the Corps, and to your seniors, peers, and subordinates. The motto of our Corps is Semper Fidelis! (Always Faithful)
    • Endurance: The mental and physical stamina that is measured by your ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress, and hardship.
  • Get the JJDIDTIEBUCKLE Poster:



FEATURING: MadisonRising, JarradMarkel, PaulGMarkel, SOTGUniversity

PARTNERS: BrownellsInc, Froglube, crossbreedholsters, centuryarms, SWATfuel, DuraCoatFirearmFinishes, SilencerShop

FIND US ON: iTunesUS, Stitcherradio, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Full30TV, InstagramEnglish, Facebook, twitterinc, tumblr



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Zachary Markel, affectionately known as the Shipping Ogre, is an intricate member of the Student of the Gun team. Zachary co-hosts the radio show, publishes the material for public consumption and produces Morning Mindset with Paul G. Markel. As the Shipping Ogre, Zach oversees the SOTG Gear store. He ensures that every package he touches is handled with care.