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SOTG 559 - Canadian Cops Fielding Assault Gloves

(Photo Source: WWW.CBC.CA)

Our friends to the north have gotten a fright and are investigating the use of “assault gloves” by members of their police forces. A full scale investigation is being launched by police administrators to find out where their cops are getting “assault gloves” and who has them.

In other news from the Great White North, one Canadian college has made a move so progressive and so bold, it might shock some. If you super-size your burgers and fries, you may applaud the school for their bravery.

During our Quiet Time Moment from SilencerShop.com, Professor Paul will relate a section from our friend Cork Graham’s new book “Make them Pay”. If you are an armed citizens and care about our nation’s security, you owe it to yourself to read this book.

Brought to you by Silencer Shop!

Topics Covered During This Episode:

  • Canadian Cops and their Assault Gloves – Deadly weapon? Ottawa police assault gloves scrutinized after officer charged in death
  • #Vagination: Fat people triggered by scales  (Canada) – College Removes Scales from Gym to Avoid ‘Triggering’ Overweight Students
  • Quiet Time brought to you by Silencer Shop: Make Them Pay by Cork Graham

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From www.breitbart.com:

Carleton University faces severe criticism for its latest politically correct decision to remove weight scales from its gym and workout areas to prevent the “triggering” of overweight students.
The Ottawa, Ontario, university calls the decision “in keeping with current fitness and social trends,” Fox News reported.

The school’s manager of health and wellness, Bruce Marshall, claims that the move helps improve the mental well-being and health of the school’s students.

Indeed, Marshall went on to insist that scales only remind people they are fat and can have a “negative impact” on health.

“We don’t believe being fixated on weight has any positive effect on your health and well-being,” Marshall said to Canada’s The Charlatan newspaper. “The body is an amazing machine and even when we are dieting and training it will often find a homeostasis at a certain weight.”

Marshall excused his position saying that body changes can take months, so “why obsess” about weight indicators?

Some students agreed with the move. One even labeled scales as “triggering.”

“Scales are very triggering,” student Samar El Faki said. “I think people are being insensitive because they simply don’t understand. They think eating disorders are a choice when they are actually a serious illness.”

Not every student agrees with the school’s move. Marko Miljusevic, a second-year computer science student, said people should take responsibility for themselves.

“We shouldn’t remove something because some people abuse it,” he said in a post on the school’s Facebook page. “If they can’t handle the number that shows up on the scale then don’t step on it.”

Doctors say that a person’s true weight is best measured in the morning after waking up and before eating breakfast. But, they also warn that fluctuations of several pounds from day to day is nothing to be concerned over. Many doctors also suggest that people trying to improve their health with diet and exercise should weigh themselves only a few times a week.

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Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a U.S. Marine, Police Officer, Professional Bodyguard, and Small Arms and Tactics Instructor. Mr. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly twenty years with hundreds and hundreds of articles in print. Paul is a regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows and subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Mr. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students young and old for decades and has worked actively with the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Paul holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines and a Bachelor’s degree in conflict resolution; nonetheless, he is and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun.

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